Welcome to the official web page of the Regular Grand Lodge of Virginia, Ancient and Honorable Fraternity of Free and Accepted Masons.
The Regular Grand Lodge of Virginia is the governing body of Ancient Craft Freemasonry of it's Constitutive Lodges, including the Supreme Order of the Holy Royal Arch.
The Regular Grand Lodge of Virginia is a multi-ritualistic Sovereign Independent Body and share Masonic Affiliation and Treaties of Amity with other Grand Lodges across the globe.
Mission Statement
The Mission of the Regular Grand Lodge of Virginia is to teach, restore and promote the original Traditions of Ancient Craft Freemasonry in the State of Virginia, serve within the community and live by the rule and guide of our faith; the Holy Bible.
Fraternal Recognition
Fraternal recognition may be extended to a Grand Lodge when it appears to the satisfaction of this Regular Grand Lodge, the Grand Council of Virginia having first considered and reported thereon:
- That such Grand Body has been formed lawfully by at least three just and duly constituted Lodges, warranted by one of the Regular Grand Lodges affiliated with the Regular Grand Lodge of Virginia or that it has been legalized by a valid act issuing from the Regular Grand Lodge of Virginia, or from a Grand Body in fraternal relations with this Grand Lodge.
- That it is an independent, self governing, responsible, incorporated organization with entire, undisputed and exclusive dogmatic and administrative authority over the Constitutive Lodges within its Jurisdiction, and not in any sense whatever; subject to, or dividing such authority with, a Supreme Council or other Body claiming ritualistic or other supervision or control.
- That it make Freemason's of men only.
- That it requires conformity to the following, which the Regular Grand Lodge of Virginia considers necessary in a Masonic Body:
* Acknowledgment of a belief in God the Father of all men.
* Secrecy.
* The Symbolism of Operative Masonry.
* The division of Symbolic Masonry into the three degrees including the Holy Royal Arch.
* The legend of the Third Degree.
* That its dominant purposes are charitable, benevolent, educational and for the worship of God; and that it excludes controversial politics and sectarian religion from all activities under its auspices.
* The Sacred Book of the Divine Law, chief among the Three Great Lights of Masonry, indispensably present in the Lodges while a work.
* That its multi ritualistic and uphold the Anderson Constitutions of 1723 of Freemasonry.
* The Ancient Landmarks
* That it occupies exclusively its territorial Jurisdiction and that it does not presume to extend its authority into, or presume to establish Constitutive Lodges in a territory occupied by a lawful Regular Grand Lodge affiliated with the Regular Grand Lodge of Virginia, without the expressed assent of such supreme governing Masonic Body.
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